Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Welcome to Career and Technical Education at Evergreen High School. Colorado CTE leverages workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality CTE experiences leading to lifelong career success.
CTE provides students with the academic knowledge and technical skills they need to gain entry into high-skill, high-wage and high-demand industries. CTE offers work-based learning experiences with hands-on learning to prepare students for the workforce or college.
EHS currently has several CTE programs, including Business and marketing, Health Sciences, Multimedia, and Production Arts. These programs provide a relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real. Our mission is to provide learners access to high-quality experiences that are aligned with industry and provide in-demand career skills.
Industry Advisory Committee
Thank you to all of our CTE Advisory Committee members!
Each CTE advisory committee is made up of individuals with experience and expertise in the occupational fields that the program serves who advise educators on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance and revision of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. These committees are an invaluable part of the program, and ultimately, the student’s success in a given career path.
Interested in participating in advisory committees, work-based learning, clubs or classrooms for any of our CTE programs? Contact any program member!
Career & Technical Education in Jeffco
Career and Technical Education (CTE) engages students and prepares them with the skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand, industries and occupations. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit. CTE’s mission is to prepare all students for successful careers through the real-world application of core academic skills by partnering classrooms with businesses, industries and communities that positively impact the future workforce.
Business and Marketing
The Business and Marketing program provides opportunities to develop workplace skills, gain career success attributes and enable deeper insight into specific business topics.
Health Sciences
The Health Sciences program prepares students for a future in this exciting and in-demand field, including an introduction to health science concepts and hands-on procedures.
Multimedia Arts
Students will gain the skills and knowledge to create and share art using multiple disciplines and platforms, including graphics and video.
Production Arts
Get experience making musicals, plays and other student-created performances a reality using the latest technology.