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Meet the Principal

Welcome to Evergreen High School!

Headshot of Skyler Artes

My name is Skyler Artes. It is an honor to serve this community. I care deeply about EHS. It is an outstanding neighborhood school. 

We are the top performing traditional high school in Jeffco. EHS has earned numerous recognitions for excellence in education. We also excel in athletics and activities in our Business, Instrumental Music and STEM programs. Our students earn industry certifications in SOLIDWORKS (3D CAD Design software), Adobe Photoshop and Phlebotomy. 

Such success is only possible through community. Our incredible educators devote themselves to creating the best educational experiences possible for all students. Our student leaders in Link Crew and Senate are dedicated to welcoming our new 9th graders into the Cougar family and to planning community events that bring us all together. Our families help support our performing arts and athletics programs, enriching the school experience for all. Our community partners connect students with professional learning and work-based learning programs. 

Yes, EHS thrives. We thrive because we are a strong community with a shared vision. We believe that each and every student is exceptional. We also believe that our students deserve the best. With this vision, we ensure that every student is prepared and encouraged to take a confident step toward their post-secondary goals whether they lie in a gap year for servicework, college, the workforce, or the armed services. 

EHS thrives. We are a neighborhood school. We are a community where every student brings a diverse array of talents and where every student belongs. We are committed to excellence in every facet of our day. This requires focus, integrity, confidence, patience and kindness.

As we make our way through the school year, we will continue to maintain our tradition of excellence by celebrating each student as an individual. This makes EHS an excellent school, an exceptional community and a model for extraordinary student culture.  

Warm regards, 

Dr. Skyler Artes
Evergreen High School Principal